Voice Search Optimization: SEO Strategies

It could have been challenging to execute the search when you cannot type. Here lies an opportunity to conduct a voice search that has gained mileage because of the convenience it provides to the users.

Voice search is a thing of forwarding thinking SEO’s, and unprecedented growth has been noticed in the past few years. Here are certain facts that indicate that voice search is going to be the revolutionary wave for which we need to be prepared.

It is likely that the number of voice searches is undoubtedly going to speed up in the coming time. Website owners primarily aim to enable customers to find and purchase the products available on their website. It has been noticed that people are using voice searches to gain information so, optimizing your website for voice searches makes for a smart choice.

Get the first mover advantage

Voice search optimized websites stood a better chance to engage their users as there is a difference between the voice searched and typed queries that cause a significant change in the SERPs result.

The introduction of smart speaker devices such as Amazon’s Echo, Google Home, and Apple’s New Home Pad has exploded the voice search growth statistics that suggests that it is undoubtedly going to stay with us for a longer time.

You are advised to implement the digital marketing strategies that would help you stay ahead of everyone in this cut-throat competition.

How does voice search work?

Calling a mobile number from your device and speaking out your query was a picture of voice searches in its infancy. To your surprise, it has, and we have come a long way.

Voice search work on the concept of voice recognition. The speech recognition understands the spoken query and tries to find an online match that best answers the query made by the user.

In the case of mobile phones, the voice search directs the user to a webpage. With smart speakers, the speaker will read the information and come up with an answer that best describes the query.

Do you want your website to rank higher for voice searches?

Searching your query using voice seems to be brief and to the point which demands the content to be easy to comprehend. Here are certain steps to optimize your voice search that would skyrocket your website’s ranking in the SERPs.

Effective usage of the words with clarity and effect!

Here comes the never-ending quest to master the power of keywords. You are advised to start with keyword research. When it comes to keywords, think about how would you ask a question if you were to type on Google.

If you wish to order Chinese food, you will type “order Chinese food” where Google would come up with the list of nearby Chinese restaurants. However, speaking is a natural way, you may say “from where to order Chinese food”.

So, you need to focus on long tail keywords that are similar to what people ask in voice searches. Since the queries have more of a conversational tone, you should opt for the keywords that are often phrased as questions.

Health (illness symptoms)
Question-based queries

Make sure you provide the best answers to the question.

Final Words

With each year passing, voice search is on the rise, and soon it will be everywhere, and everyone will be discussing it. Consumer behavior is constantly changing, and marketers must be prepared for any marketing trend to meet expectations