Most Popular PHP Frameworks In 2020

PHP or hypertext pre-processor is open source server based scripting language which is tremendously popular among web developers, looking for development of dynamic interactive websites and approximately 60% of web development work is dominating by the PHP language & its relevant web development frameworks. PHP framework speed up the process of web development as it generally provides basic structure to streamline the making process of websites and applications to help business organizations to acquire their prospective business goals and needs. Few companies have start using this proactive approach of implementing PHP along with cloud concept brings them the best outcome of both technologies cost effective and reliable solutions at the same time.

Below mention is the list of top most popular php frameworks, facilitating top notch web developers to achieve their comprehensive array of tasks. Let’s have a briefing of these top php frameworks:

  1. Laravel:

Laravel was first introduced in 2011 and at present stage it has become the most popular open source php framework because it can handle web development complexities very smartly & provides utmost level of security features related to development work. According to development experts laravel works at faster pace as compare to other frameworks in the trend and makes the common tasks of developing simplify like routing, caching, session handling and authentication process. Laravel is the best option for developing mobile apps and fully dynamic websites with complex backend requirements whether it’s on small or large scale. Laravel comes with full development features that help you to customize your B2B and B2C development projects with endless data database migration opportunities – supports MVC architecture.

  1. CodeIgniter:

Like laravel, codeigniter is also an open source framework of php for developing dynamic websites, well known for its small footprint (total 2MB of size along with full documentation). It has array of prebuilt modules that makes the developer task very easy to start over with their projects. Codeigniter is easy to install and lightweight & highly recommended for beginners to just because of its simple setup process and it consists model view controller approach, top error handling & security features that creates scalable apps. Codeigniter also famous for its fast development speed just because apps & dynamic websites built in codeigniter works very smoothly on dedicated modern servers.

  1. Symphony:

Symphony was first introduced in 2005 which is very trusted platform for development work. Symphony is the best choice of web developers when we talk about to start work with large scale business projects due to its reusable php components. It also boosts up database engine independency, perfectly match up with most web design patterns and permits the use of third party vendor libraries. Symphony’s security feature is little bit complex to use and it targets only experts web developers i.e. it is bit harder to start over with as compare to other frameworks.

  1. Cake PHP:

Cake PHP is simple and elegant framework which helps to develop visually looking very attractive and fully loaded with featured websites. Cake PHP is easy to learn framework and very simple to install that just need a web server and copy of the framework. Some key features of cake php are cross-site request forgery (CSRF) protection, cross-site scripting protection, validation of inputs, Query injection protection and proper class inheritance declaration makes it first choice of developers to create commercial applications.

  1. Zend:

Zend is PHP’s open source framework which is entirely follows the concept of object oriented programming which can be used to develop dynamic web applications and services. Zend is extremely customizable php framework and abides by php rules, best suitable for developing complex huge business level projects. Mostly large IT companies and corporate sectors preferred to use this framework. Some key features of using zend as part of your development project are using its MVC components, integration cloud API, use of external libraries, data encryption and session management features.

  1. FuelPHP:

Fuel PHP is completely full stack web development framework of core php which was first introduced in 2011. It utilizes very less memory and even time as it follows hierarchical model view controller pattern which means content doesn’t require duplicating to show on multiple pages. Fuel PHP is very fast to deliver end to end customer oriented solutions which are very diverse in size. Some other key features consists implementing Restful API services, url routing feature, smart caching system and protection against possible vulnerability issues.

Last but not least, we would like to say every web development php framework has its own strengthens and weak points in terms of database backend support, reliability and scalability features, backend database support and obviously its documentation part, so choose wisely your most preferred framework for your web development projects.
