Best CMS for Mobile Apps

Mobile CMS are quite a popular topic these days, but the definition and what to do about it is not always clear.

When it comes to building mobile apps, you’ll need a mobile app CMS that can build and manage apps across iOS, Android, and other popular app platforms — but that’s not all you’ll need.

Other vital ingredients include the ability to seamlessly connect your mobile app to other systems, like a CRM, the ability for non-technical users to get involved in the content creation process, and the ability to house your content in a way that enables you to repurpose it and redistribute it to other devices when necessary.

What exactly is Mobile App CMS ?
Mobile app CMS, also known as mobile CMS, is a type of content management system that allows for both non-technical users, like marketers and editors, and developers to control how their mobile app looks and performs, without having to edit or configure any code. They are notably helpful for marketers who want to optimize their mobile apps and mobile marketing campaigns without relying heavily on IT.

A well-built and well-established CMS should have a mobile app CMS either built into the platform, or, the CMS itself should be able to handle mobile applications, progressive web apps, and all other channels.

Ensuring you choose the best CMS for your mobile app is crucial for your brand’s success. The following are the CMS you must try:

Best content management systems (CMS) for mobile apps

Here are our picks for the best CMS for mobile apps:

Contentful has a clean interface and flexible APIs that allow content to populate instantly on any number of mobile apps. Editors make content updates once, and Contentful publishes them everywhere, simultaneously.

Easy and intuitive, even for non-technical eyes (marketing team), Contenstack pulls the CMS strings of several high profile customers, to include Shell, Sky, and Walmart.

3.Core dna
This serves as an ideal CMS for mobile apps, combining content management with eCommerce, intranet, and marketing.

4.Kentico Kontent
Focussing on all things CaaS (content as a service), Kontent offers a distraction-free, collaborative writing experience when creating content for mobile apps.

An open-source alternative, with a free edition to download (enterprise plans available too, of course), dotCMS can be hosted either on-prem or in the cloud.