Common Web Errors

We’ve all seen one of these codes staring at us in big bold letters making us feel like we’re in loads of trouble.Just Relax and ease your fears with this quick breakdown of some of the most common error codes.

400 Bad File Request
Usually means the syntax used in the URL is incorrect, for example, an uppercase letter should be lowercase.

401/403 Unauthorized, Forbidden/Access Denied
A 401 Unauthorized means the server is looking for an encryption key from the client but not receiving it (i.e. a mistyped password). A 403 Forbidden/Access Denied, like a 401, is a registration issue and you need special permission to access the site (username/password).

404 Not Found
Means that the file or directory that you were trying to reach could not be found. It may not exist or the address was typed incorrectly.

408 Request Timeout
When a request is stopped before the server finished receiving it, like when a user hits the “stop” button or closes the browser before the page loads.

500 Internal Error
A general-purpose error message regarding server-configuration problems (caused by something like a server being overloaded for example) making it difficult to retrieve an HTML document.

501 Not Implemented/502 Service Temporarily Overloaded
Both messages refer to server congestion typically caused by either too many connections or high traffic.